FX has incorporated a high tech multi adjustable stock on the 400 action.
The Field Target stock now provides field shooters with the superior ergonomics
and adjust ability needed for field target shooting.

The Field Target stock now provides field shooters with the superior ergonomics
and adjust ability needed for field target shooting.
With the ft riser off, I liked the stability offered by the extended forearm. Using just a single forward bag and shooting at 50 yards, rifle was shooting dime and smaller groups. After three site in shots at 50 yards, I was close enough to fire my first group, which was one of the best measuring at .230 center to center. The next day, back on the range, clam conditions allowed for four more groups. Once again, all groups were dime size or smaller, with a .315 center to center.
This Royale FT has a new style trigger. The trigger blade is more reminiscent of a match style version, adjusts latterly as well as up and down, forward and back. Trigger broke at 4.9 to 5.2 ounces on the scale. The rifle with it's accessories, not including the scope and rings weights in at 9lbs 11oz. The gun is regulated and is shooting JSB 18g @ 835fps which puts the guns at about 28fpe.
FX Royale FT 400
Available in .177 & .22
FX Royale FT 400
Available in .177 & .22